1. Lisebelisoa tsa rona tsa lipeipi tsa BSP li na le litekanyo tse emeng le lethathamo la libuka, tse netefatsang hore li lumellana ka mokhoa o se nang moeli le ho fapanyetsana habonolo le lisebelisoa tse tsoang ho bafani ba thepa ba fapaneng.
2. Khetha ho tsoa mefuteng e mengata ea lisebelisoa tsa ho kenya liphaephe, ho kenyelletsa le tšepe e sa hloekang, koporo le polasetiki, ho khotsofatsa litlhoko le libaka tse itseng.
3. E loketse lisebelisoa tse peli tsa lisebelisoa le liphaephe tsa liindasteri, liphaephe tsa rona tsa UK le USA BSPP thread li fana ka ts'ebetso e ka tšeptjoang ho li-setups tse sa tšoaneng.
4. Li-adapter tsa ho kenya liphaephe tsa BSP li etsa hore ho be le liphetoho tse boreleli le likhokahano, tse lumellang ho kopanngoa ha bonolo ho litsamaiso tse fapaneng.
5. Lipeipi tsa rona tsa BSP Female/NPT Male/BSP tsa Basali li entsoe ka maemo a holimo, ho netefatsa hore li tšoarella le ho sebetsa ntle le ho lutla bakeng sa likhokahano tsa lipeipi tsa hau.
E | F | G | A,C | B | S1 | S2 | S3 | |
SEBNB-02 | G1/8"X28 | Z1/8"X27 | G1/8"X28 | 5.5 | 21 | 11 | 14 | 14 |
SEBNB-04 | G1/4"X19 | Z1/4"X18 | G1/4"X19 | 5.5 | 25.5 | 14 | 19 | 19 |
SEBNB-06 | G3/8"X19 | Z3/8"X18 | G3/8"X19 | 6.3 | 31 | 19 | 22 | 22 |
SEBNB-06-04-06 | G3/8"X19 | Z1/4"X18 | G3/8"X19 | 6.3 | 25.5 | 14 | 22 | 22 |
SEBNB-08 | G1/2"X14 | Z1/2"X14 | G1/2"X14 | 7.5 | 36.7 | 22 | 27 | 27 |
SEBNB-08-06-08 | G1/2"X14 | Z3/8"X18 | G1/2"X14 | 7.5 | 31 | 19 | 27 | 27 |
SEBNB-12-08-12 | G3/4"X14 | Z1/2"X14 | G3/4"X14 | 10.9 | 37.5 | 24 | 32 | 32 |
SEBNB-12 | G3/4"X14 | Z3/4"X14 | G3/4"X14 | 10.9 | 44 | 27 | 32 | 32 |
SEBNB-16 | G1"X11 | Z1"X11.5 | G1"X11 | 11.7 | 50 | 33 | 41 | 41 |
SEBNB-20 | G1.1/4"X11 | Z1.1/4"X11.5 | G1.1/4"X11 | 11 | 54.5 | 41 | 50 | 50 |
SEBNB-24 | G1.1/2"X11 | Z1.1/2"X11.5 | G1.1/2"X11 | 13 | 63 | 48 | 55 | 55 |
Lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tsa BSP tsa Basali / NPT Banna / BSP Lipeipi tsa basali, tse etselitsoeng ho fihlela litlhoko tsa hau tse fapaneng tsa lipeipi!
Lisebelisoa tsa rona tsa lipeipi tsa BSP li tla ka litekanyo tse emeng le lethathamo la likhakanyo tse felletseng, tse netefatsang tšebelisano e se nang moeli le ho fapanyetsana habonolo le lisebelisoa tse tsoang ho barekisi ba fapaneng.U ka itšetleha ka ho tšepahala le tshebetso ea bona, ho sa tsotellehe mohloli.
Khetha ho tsoa mefuteng e mengata e fapaneng ea lisebelisoa tsa ho kenya liphaephe, ho kenyeletsoa tšepe e sa hloekang, koporo le polasetiki, ho hlokomela litlhoko le tikoloho e itseng.Khetho ena e fapaneng e u fa monyetla oa ho fumana se loketseng lits'ebetso tsa hau, ho netefatsa ho tšoarella le ts'ebetso e nepahetseng.
Lisebelisoa tsa rona tsa liphaephe tsa BSPP tsa UK le USA li loketse lisebelisoa le lisebelisoa tsa indasteri, li fana ka ts'ebetso e tšepahalang lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng.Ebang ke bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa lipeipi tsa lisebelisoa kapa lipeipi tsa indasteri, li-fittings tsena li sebetsa hantle ka mefuta e fapaneng ea litlhophiso.
Li-adapter tse kenyang liphaephe tsa BSP li nolofalletsa phetoho le likhokahano tse boreleli, tse lumellang hore ho be bonolo ho kopanya lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng.Moralo oa bona o netefatsa ts'ebetso e se nang moeli, ho etsa hore ho kenngoe ho se be le mathata le ho sebetsa hantle.
E entsoe ka litekanyetso tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa, ea rona ea BSP Female/NPT Male/BSP Lipeipi tsa Basali li tiisa ho tšoarella le ho sebetsa ntle le ho lutla bakeng sa likhokahano tsa lipeipi tsa hau.U ka itšetleha ka ho lekana ha bona ka mokhoa o sireletsehileng, ho fokotsa kotsi ea ho lutla le ho etsa bonnete ba hore ts'ebetso e sebetsa hantle.
Ho fumana lintlha tse ling kapa ho etsa odara, ka kopo u se ke oa qeaqea ho iteanya le rona.Sannke e tsejoa e le e 'ngoe ea lifeme tse sebetsang hantle ka ho fetisisa tsa haeteroliki, 'me re ikemiselitse ho fana ka lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo.Re labalabela ho u fa lipeipi tsa pele tsa BSP Female/NPT Male/BSP tsa Basali ho khotsofatsa litlhoko tsa hau tsa haeteroliki.